Miss Utilization of Power


Corruption in power:

Politics is for good but some politicians are bad.
Money is for good but some ways of making money are bad.
Management is for good but some managers are bad.
Religion is for good but some saints are bad.
Law and order is for good but some lawyers are bad.
Leadership is for good but some rulers are bad.
Organization is for good but some presidents are bad.
Technology is for good but some techies are bad.

Conclusion: Everything is for good but some people who manage them are bad.
Good or bad lies with the human being who is handling the task.
We see a downfall with negligence in discipline, character and moral values.
It’s the destruction of bad that protects the good.
It’s the job and duty of law and order to punish the bad.
Constructive is difficult where as destructive is easy.
It’s difficult to create good where as its easy to destroy.

Read: Miss Utilization of Power.

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