Miss Utilization of Power


Miss utilization of technology.

Read some cell Phone stories here:
Don’t Use Cell Phone:


A friend of mine used to stay at 1 6 9, green way wes t, ne w Hyd e Par k, L I, N Y 11 04 0. He says that there was a girl staying in the same house as a paying guest and she was given a place to stay in the basement, where the floor height is quite lower comparatively. He says that she often complained of sleeplessness, body stiffness and anxiety, she finally quite the place. She said that she found out that someone used to keep a cell phone wireless device right over her head in the floor above she slept. She says as the floor height was too low she could feel the uneasiness. As she couldn’t confirm how this whole thing works, she was confused and was unable to express this as it was a hidden mystery. She was no doubt a good citizen and a nice human being. Is it proper to hurt the innocent lives? An open investigation must be done to stop the terror on innocent lives. If it’s true then, it’s our duty to clean this dirty trick. The miss utilization of the technology is to be restricted and redefined and exposed. There are many real life experiences where in cell phone tracking and email tracking has been miss utilized. Can the power of technology be misused to achieve a personal dirty desire? Can the new leaders rectify this by adopting proper law and order? Can we do justice? We have to make it transparent so that the technology is not miss utilized.

Will we ever realize that the freedom of communication is one of the basic necessities of life? It should not be miss utilized. Can we reform the rules and regulations? Can we stop the miss utilization of electronic data? Can the management take action?

Read: Corruption in Power.

Cell Phone Radiation and Cancer.

Cell Study: Hazards Are Real.

Research reveals cell phone hazards.

Feds Warn of Cell Phone Battery Hazards.

Cell Phone War.

Microwaves that are criss-crossing.

Findings on Cell phone hazards.

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